Professional Services Accounting Software
Customer-Focused Businesses need Customer-Focused Accounting Software
Service businesses are customer centric organizations. Sales are based on customers, marketing is based on customers, the allocation of company personnel is based on customers, the billings are based on customers, and related purchases and expenses are based on customers. When companies are focused on the customer, they need the ability to report all activities based on the customer.
When companies do not have the proper software to keep track of their activities by customer, a chaotic manual process to assign employees' time with their rates and their travel expenses to the customer and to assign purchase expenses ensues. If you have issues assigning the billable rates and expenses to a customer, it is harder to keep track of your customers' billing processes. Your organization wastes many hours compiling billing information and resolving errors created by a manual process or by an incomplete electronic process. You can also spend many hours producing Excel reports to gain information about your customers' spending habits, about which employees are underutilized, about the status of projects and when they are over budget, etc.
You may also have projects where you will need to recognize revenues at various intervals for your financial reporting. Manually tracking revenue recognitions can be very time consuming and error prone.
Project Accounting processing that is chaotic and in distress due to manual or incomplete electronic processes will cause your Organization to spend time and money on activities that do not support your business processing needs and growth.
Customer Centric Project Accounting
DynamicsGP can create a central source of project information for your Organization. New Millennium Solutions will partner with your Organization to build an accounting environment that will streamline your project accounting processes, provide timely and relevant reports, and automate billing processes.
Change your Organization's processes from chaos to order with Intacct's cloud accounting software.
New Millennium Solutions can help your Organization focus your time on strategic initiatives instead of spending your time on manual processes that should be automated and spending hours trying to resolve data entry errors.
Contact NMS to learn more about Intacct's project accounting for your organization